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中国教育在线讯    2017-09-14    


  I. About Shandong University

  山东大学是一所历史悠久、在国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属重点综合性大学,是国家“211 工程”、“985 工程”重点建设的高水平大学之一,也是中国近代高等教育的起源性大学。

  Shandong University (SDU) is a time-honored comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of China’s Ministry of Education. It is a member university of Project 211 and Project 985, two major national initiatives seeking to enhance the international competitiveness of the top-tier universities in China. As one of the original higher education institutions in modern China, SDU has become highly influential both at home and abroad.


  In recent years, SDU has leapfrogged in its development, with remarkably enhanced overall strength and competitiveness. Sixteen of its disciplines rank among the top 1% in the ESI Rankings. These include Chemistry, Physics, Clinical Medicine, Materials Science, Biology and Biochemistry, Engineering, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Neuroscience and Behavior, Mathematics, Environmental Engineering and Ecology, Immunology, Plant and Animal Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Agricultural Science, General Social Science as well as Computer Science. It is worth mentioning that Chemistry ranks among the top 1‰ in the in the ESI Rankings. Currently SDU comprises eight campuses in three cities (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai).



  时间:2017.9.19 18:00-21:00

  地点:Smilow Seminar Room, NYU Langone Medical Center(纽约大学医学院)

  地址:550 1st Avenue NY 10016(between 31st/32nd Streets)


  时间:2017.9.20 18:00-21:00

  地点:International Conference Room, Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Association Center, University of Maryland(马里兰大学)

  地址:7801 Alumni Drive, College Park, MD 20742



  Shandong University is a comprehensive university. We offer various positions in most disciplines including humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, etc. You are welcomed to visit us for detailed job requirements and benefits.


  李 岩;联系电话:+86-531-88365747;

  Li Yan; Phone number: + 86-531-88365747; E-mail:


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