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中国教育在线    2019-05-16    



  Market-oriented Operation of “Administrative Committee + Company”

  The park adopts the “Administrative Committee + Company” operation mechanism. The administrative committee is led by Chengyang District Deputy Executive and composed of bureaus such as District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and District Science and Technology Bureau. The administrative committee is responsible for development planning, comprehensive coordination, supervision, and other administrative duties. The operating company takes charge of professional investment attraction and targeted operations with comprehensive service. In the early stage, the operation company will be subsidized by District Finance Bureau; later on, the park will apply valuation adjustment mechanism with the operating company based on newly added contribution on district level of introduced projects and the company is responsible for its own profit and loss. By 2021, it is estimated that revenues of the park will be over 3 billion RMB, and tax payment will be over 300 million RMB.





  Synergy of Incubation Zone and Acceleration Zone

  The park is consisted of the industrial incubation zone and the industrial acceleration zone. It provides not only incubation space for early-stage postdoctoral projects, but also industrial space in the following mature period to accelerate them. So far, the operating area in the first stage is 56,000 square meters in total, including 36,000 square meters in the industrial acceleration zone and 20,000 square meters in the industrial incubation zone. By 2021, the total number of postdoctoral projects will be no less than 200.



  Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition to Attract Global Elite

  Under the guidance of National Postdoctoral Management Office and Postdoctoral Foundation, the “China Post-Doctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition” will be held annually, aiming to become a world-renowned innovation and entrepreneurship competition. In addition, there will be conferences of postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship achievements, trade fair and related activities. By gathering global postdoctoral innovative talents and achievements, we will build the innovation and entrepreneurship exchange platform with postdoctoral talents at its core.



  College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Promote Development

  The College of Post-doctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be established, and we will cooperate with College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Qingdao), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, to create the Postdoctoral I&E Lecture. The college will regularly host “postdoctoral college seminars” for company management training, “postdoctoral lectures” for exchanges between famous domestic companies, and “postdoctoral world” overseas study tours. In addition, the college will organize connecting events such as “postdoctoral future” road show, and “game world” trade fair of achievements, to build the West Point for postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship.



  Interaction of the Capital and Talent

  Government-led funds for postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship will be established. It aims to leverage the amplifying effects of government financial funds, capitalize on social private funds investment and provide financial support for postdoctoral projects. By now, the park has already collaborated with 21 venture capital firms to provide financing services at various stages, forming characteristic investment ecology in order to accelerate the development of postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship projects.



  Credit Support for Postdoctoral Entrepreneurship Programs

  The park innovatively launches credit loans and talent loans, providing up to 500,000 RMB line of credit for eligible post-doctors. For those who have already obtained loans from banks, the park will provide up to 5 million RMB equivalent loan interest rate discount subsidy, to satisfy early financial demand for new postdoctoral projects.



  Worry-free Accommodation for Talents

  In order to attract and retain post-doctors, the park will provide up to 250,000 RMB settling subsidy to eligible post-doctors registered in the park. For those who buy the first commercial house in the region, the park will provide a one-time bonus of 150,000 RMB. In addition, the park will offer an annual 30,000 RMB rental subsidy or talent apartment rental for free for each eligible post-doctor for three years in total. Also, in terms of medical service and children education, the park will open green channels for the talents.



  Intellectual Property Rights Service and Protection

  The park will establish professional intellectual property rights service and protection mode to provide one-stop intellectual property service for companies inside. So far, the park has already signed cooperation contracts with five intellectual property rights service companies. The park aims to facilitate creation, management, operation and protection of intellectual property rights of the companies, guarantee innovative development of the companies and build an enabling environment on intellectual property rights.



  Online and Offline Interaction

  The park will build the first national trading platform for postdoctoral scientific and research achievements both home and abroad. Online, the platform will connect postdoctoral innovative achievements with National Postdoctoral Management Office, universities, and scientific and research institutions to help both supply and demand sides for accurate matching and trading. Offline, based on industrial incubation and acceleration zones, the park will help transfer technology locally, striving to become the most influential platform of postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship with the largest trading volume in China. By 2021, online registered members will be no less than 10,000 and online accumulative scientific achievements trading volume will be no less than 1,000.


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