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中国教育在线    2017-12-11    

  金 正 铉/ KIM JUNGHYEN (韩国/博士/教授)

  现担任 青岛科技大学传播与动漫学院 教授、中国传媒大学艺术部 兼职教授、韩国中央大学联合项目硕博士生导师.

  毕业于中央大学尖端影像学院,影像艺术学专业, 获电影学博士学位; 毕业于中央大学艺术学院动画专业和造型研究院绘画专业、获硕士学位。




  曾先后在韩国、日本、美国等国家举办个人画展或联展 。2012年参加欧洲-法国-匈牙利宫廷展览巡展 ,2014年8月在北京杨国际艺术中心举办:金正铉——“大象之形”个人展。并在同年10月参加北京红子兰艺术中心举办的:“当代水墨五位展”。2015年6月作品参加“中国山东国际画廊艺术博览会” ,2016年4月作品参加北京国粹苑举办的:“人文水墨艺术邀请展”。



  Professor Kim is now an international professor of school of communication & animation,Qingdao University of Science& Technology, Ph.D supervisor of CAU-QUST cooperative education program committee of Chung-Ang University, adjunct professor of the Art Department of Communication University of China.

  He received his doctoral degree in Film &Multimedia from GSAIM, Chung-Ang University, master’s degree in Fine Art from Graduate School of Art and Institute of modeling of painting, Chung-Ang University, and bachelor’s degree in oriental art paintings from Chugye University.

  He has taught at many universities. He has served as a professor at graduate school of Sejong University and adjunct professor at Graduate School of Art, Chung-Ang University. He has also taught at department of Art of Daejin University, School of Media of Ajou University, Graduate of Art & Fusion Design of Kyunghee University, Art Design of Kyunghee University, SungShin of women's University, and Chugye University.

  He is a well-known international professor who has a high attainments in film art, animation, new media and painting. Engaged in the education of arts for many years, he has rich experience in teaching of animation design,film advertising design and film directing,published many teaching materials on animation and films, and also participated in the making of many micro-films, films, and animations. And he also served as a judge for international festivals, such as Changzhou international animation festival, 2009, Qingdao international micro-film festival, and etc.

  At the same time, Professor Kim is a renowned contemporary ink painter in the world. After many years of creative practice, he has made outstanding achievements in ink painting. His works won many awards not only in Korea but also other countries, such as the work of “sea” won the top award of the international exhibition held by Harrison Art Association in 2010. He published many personal albums and held personal and joint exhibitions in the world more than 50 times from 1984 to 2016.The personal collection “Junghyen Kim and his Baekdudaegan”, publish by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House July 2010, was high evaluated by experts. The album “The Image of Great Vision” was published in 52 countries in 2014. Many exhibitions also produced so much favorable comment from society, such as the Europe - France - Hungary Palace Exhibition Tour in 2012, personal exhibition“The Image of Great Vision” held in Yang international Gallery 2014, joint exhibition “Contemporary ink and five painters” held by Beijing red orchid Art Center 2014, and “humanistic ink art” held by The quintessence of Beijing yuan, and etc.


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